2017 Youth Empowerment Summit
May 5th, 2017 we held our 4th Youth Summit at Delaware Academy sponsored by Stop DWI Delaware County and ADAC of Delaware County. We had nationally known speaker Jermaine Galloway present his program "Who Wants to be a Tall Cop" giving valuable information on substances. We then had ADAC present their program "Choosing to Connect", which revolved around establishing value within ourselves and the natural outflow leading to seeing the value in others.
Tall Cop- Jermaine Galloway
Jermain is a police officer who travels around the country doing presentations on substance abuse and information. Here is his website: http://www.tallcopsaysstop.com/
Amanda Martin Decker- ADAC
Amanda is our Program Director and Prevention Specialist. She is discussing here the differences in an Introvert and Extrovert personality.
Students playing Person 2 Person
The game person 2 person is about physically connecting with another person. It can be awkward but it is something that is essential to thriving.
Students Engaging in Discussion
We had over 160 students attend our Summit. We had 5 school districts represented: Delaware Academy, Downsville, Franklin, South Kortright, and Stamford.